Epicor recently sent out an Epicor ERP 10.2 Costing Issue Alert. This notification details a costing issue reported within the Core Application. If you use backflushing within job costing and are on an earlier version of 10.2 than the versions listed below, please contact Encompass Solutions, Inc. at support to receive an expedited fix:

  • GA 11/31/19
  • 10.2.400.14 GA 10/25/19
  • 10.2.500.3   GA 10/23/19

You may have received this notification because records indicate you are on a prior version of 10.2.  If you feel you received this in error, you can update your version information on the portal by going to the Configurations > Product Configuration Profiles menu, or please let us know so we can help correct the version information on record. If you did not receive the notification and have observed any of the issues below, it may be because your version is incorrect in the Epicor ERP customer database. You can contact Encompass Solutions support to have the information updated.

Epicor ERP 10.2 Costing Issue Alert Details

Description of issue(s):

  • Incorrect job costing when backflushed is being used.
  • This is causing incorrect variance (MFG-VAR) calculations on jobs.
  • Multiple scenarios were found and corrected
  • Dollars to Inventory are not correct
  • Dollars seem to be doubled using the Qty x Cost Components
  • Dollars remain in WIP despite the job being closed

This may also be causing Negative Material depending on the costing components of the part.


  • Unit Material:
  • Unit Labor: (too high of an amount going to inventory)
  • Unit Burden: (too high of an amount going to inventory)
  • Unit Subcontract: (Not cleared out of WIP)
  • Unit Material Burden: (Not cleared out of WIP)

Epicor ERP 10.2 Costing Issue Alert Solution

How we’ll approach the fix is simple. We would install the latest version of Epicor 10 to your Pilot system and assist you with running the necessary tests to ensure this issue is addressed, as well as ensure that the patch doesn’t have negative implications to other system areas. This includes EDI and critical reports.

Finding your Current Version of Epicor ERP

Not sure of your current Epicor version? Follow the steps below to find your current Epicor software version.

For Active Homepage Users:

  1. Navigate to the main menu and follow the path: Epicor Education > Main > System Setup > System Maintenance > About Epicor
  2. A new window will pop up displaying your Epicor system information. The current version of your software will be located next to the Epicor logo in large black text.

For Classic users:

  1. Navigate to and click the help icon in the top right-hand portion of the Epicor ERP interface.
  2. Then, click the About Epicor link located towards the bottom of the options on the left-hand side of the screen.
  3. A new window will pop up displaying your Epicor system information. The current version of your software will be located next to the Epicor logo in large black text.

About Encompass Solutions

Encompass Solutions, Inc. is an ERP consulting firm, NetSuite Solution Provider and Epicor Gold Partner that offers professional services in business consulting, project management, and software implementation. Whether undertaking full-scale implementation, integration, and renovation of existing systems or addressing the emerging challenges in corporate and operational growth, Encompass provides a specialized approach to every client’s needs. As experts in identifying customer requirements and addressing them with the right solutions, we ensure our clients are equipped to match the pace of Industry.



The EDI invoicing process in Epicor is generally done behind the scenes with little to no intervention from the user. However, occasionally some kind of hiccup occurs. This may require a mass reprint of invoices to send out via EDI. For example, your network may have gone down just as your EDI invoices were processing. If those files never made it to your VAN or to the trading partner, you have to send a large number of files back out. Traditionally, we’ve accomplished this by assigning one person to sit in front of their computer, with a list of the impacted invoices, manually printing them one-by-one.

an image of the electronic data interchange principals used to allow Entrust EDI users to mass re-print edi invoices.

Mass Re-Printing Of EDI Invoices

There is a “Mass Print AR invoices” report in Epicor. However, this doesn’t work for EDI. The file generated ends up being one giant file with multiple records in it. Unfortunately, EDI maps cannot process a file like this.

A solution that we’ve recently been using successfully, has been to do a DMT update of the open invoices in question. Complete this at an “off” time for invoicing to maintain the normal flow of invoicing.

The process starts by identifying the outstanding invoices, and pulling them out of Epicor via DMT. The invoices will be opened in Excel for editing.  Once you have a working Excel spreadsheet to work from, it’s then time to start the update process.  Begin by setting the Auto-print BPM in Epicor to trigger off of the “document printed” field (InvcHead.DocumentPrinted) if the field is “true”.  Using DMT, reset all of the values in that field to FALSE and load DMT back in.  Your invoices are all now reset to not print.  Next, change your excel file to set that same document printed flag as TRUE and reload DMT.  This will trigger the BPM to fire and should result in the EDI output being generated.

If you have more than 200 files, it’s best to complete this task in sections. Try not to exceed 200 files per pass. This will minimize and control the load on EDI mapping software.

Finally, validate the invoices have made it through mapping and successfully arrived at the trading partner or at the VAN.

About Encompass Solutions

Encompass Solutions, Inc. is an ERP consulting firm, NetSuite Solution Provider and Epicor Gold Partner that offers professional services in business consulting, project management, and software implementation. Whether undertaking full-scale implementation, integration, and renovation of existing systems or addressing the emerging challenges in corporate and operational growth, Encompass provides a specialized approach to every client’s needs. As experts in identifying customer requirements and addressing them with the right solutions, we ensure our clients are equipped to match the pace of Industry.