In today’s ever-evolving and highly competitive manufacturing sector, companies require a comprehensive solution that not only increases productivity and reduces expenses but also empowers them to make informed, strategic decisions.

Given the multiple procedures that must occur daily to keep a plant operating, advanced support solutions have so far shown to be an appropriate solution for the manufacturing sector. So what’s in store with these solutions? To better understand its benefits to manufacturers, it is crucial to understand their basics.

This article will highlight the importance of advanced support for ERP systems, the types of advanced support available for ERP, the impacts of ERP system downtime and data loss, and the key considerations when looking for an advanced support solution. Let’s dive in.

The Importance of Advanced ERP Support Solutions

Modern-day manufacturing firms have a lot to gain from ERP systems. With numerous features, these advanced support systems bring many advantages, including increasing short- and long-term planning effectiveness. Other key factors why companies need advanced support for ERP systems include:

Reduced Costs

Advanced support solutions help manufacturers lower operational costs through automation and real-time business data. Additionally, by boosting worker productivity, these advanced support systems reduce labor costs, while improved precision and decreased error rates reduce losses. 

Increased Efficiency and Visibility

Advanced support solutions make data from every division readily available, giving companies complete access to every crucial company process. For instance, companies can monitor inventory levels daily, including those presently en route and future shipments that still need to be received. This way, they can more effectively manage their working capital.

Enhanced Collaboration Between Teams

Advanced support provides access to all business-related data, which enhances collaboration between executive branches or divisions. They improve the effectiveness of the entire firm by decreasing communication lag times. This benefits manufacturing businesses with a dispersed network of affiliates in numerous states or continents.

Increased Competitive Edge in the Industry

Advanced ERP support systems give manufacturing businesses the crucial competitive edge they need to surpass their competitors. With advanced reporting and analyzing tools at their disposal, companies can better evaluate their processes and implement adjustments that enhance performance and productivity before their competitors.

Streamline Operations

Advanced support solutions streamline processes by ensuring that manufacturing data is readily accessible in a single location. Additionally, employees, either on the production line or overhead management can keep track of the production progress without depending on other teams or personnel.

Improve Decision Making

With advanced support solutions for manufacturing, organizations can better have the necessary data to support their decision-making capacity. With access to crucial performance indicators like total sales, total production, revenue margins, etc., manufacturing businesses can better take actions that ensure they remain on course to achieve their goals or make adjustments.

The Types of Advanced ERP Support Available 

There are several different types of Advanced Support for ERP that are available for manufacturing companies to take advantage of. They include:

  • Patch Management: This consists of small and large updates that an ERP service provider will periodically do within a year.
  • EDI: This involves analyzing inbound and outbound transactions of EDI documents.
  • Cloud Services: This is where your ERP runs on the provider’s servers, enabling quick access through the internet. It is financially sound, quicker to adopt, and accessible on a subscription basis. 
  • On-Prem Services: This is where the ERP is set up on the company’s computer systems and servers. It gives businesses a lifetime perpetual license, but they’ll still be responsible for paying for ongoing support, upgrades, and training.
  • Custom Development: This involves building an ERP system for a company’s specific requirements and processes.
  • Security & Compliance: This is where advanced support is used to configure security features to ensure all users have access to the tools they use daily. It also ensures that all accounting processes are set up to comply with laws and reporting regulations.

The Impacts of ERP System Downtime and Data Loss

The issue of downtime plagues many manufacturing companies. They lose money every minute when they’re out of commission due to needing to deploy a newer system or procedure. By the numbers, manufacturing downtimes create high costs. Manufacturing companies claim that unplanned downtime costs them 1% -10% of their total production time. In some cases, like the automotive industry, this can cost them up to $22,000 per minute.

Advanced ERP support services are designed to help you launch, implement, install, or update any system or solution swiftly and efficiently with the least downtime. With it in place, you can troubleshoot possible issues, manage threats, and prevent expensive downtime while installing and updating the equipment in your facilities.

On the other hand, data loss, be it production data, orders, financial records, etc., can have serious ramifications for any manufacturing business. Manufacturers often experience serious delays in production, compliance and legal liabilities, and reputational damage.

Advanced ERP support solutions are designed to enable you to protect both your physical resources and digital data. Plus, you won’t have to do data backups and restoration manually. As such, all your data will be available to help you meet your goals and those of the customers and regulators.

Key Considerations When Looking for an Advanced Support Solution

If your company has been If your company is struggling with outdated ERP systems or isolated solutions, it may be time to invest in a complete overhaul of your business operations. So what do you look for?

  • Industry Expertise: You should examine how long the support provider has been in business. It will help you determine how well they can fulfill your needs.
  • Customization Options: A good advanced support solution should be flexible to accommodate your specific needs, from manufacturing and shipping to finance, marketing, sales, and communication.
  • Service Level Agreements (SLA): You should ensure that your service level agreements with your provider are manageable and reasonable. If possible, you should opt for one that is customizable to your needs. 
  • Security and Compliance: Data security and regulation compliance should be a priority in any advanced support solution. Ideally, you’ll want a provider who can offer complex data security techniques that are sure to keep your data safe.
  • Scalability: An effective advanced support solution shouldn’t be restricted to the confines of a manufacturing facility but should instead facilitate interaction with other business entities.
  • Training and Support: A proper advanced support solution provider should offer support and training that is specific for you when you onboard new employees.
  • Certifications: It’s important to ensure your provider has crucial industry certifications. It will help assess their commitment level to uphold industry standards.

Incorporate Advanced Solutions Today

At Encompass Solutions, we know how important advanced support solutions are to the manufacturing industry. Having worked extensively with manufacturing businesses, we possess a deep understanding of the sector and its various factors that impact productivity. Our experience enables us to provide advanced support solutions that cater to the unique needs of every manufacturing firm.

Furthermore, we understand how an ERP solution can handle your workforce and supply chain problems to boost efficiency and support expansion. Don’t wait any longer to enhance your manufacturing business with advanced support solutions. Reach out to our team today and share your business needs so we can provide tailored solutions that will help you thrive in the competitive industry.

Small manufacturing companies often struggle to keep up with the demands of managing their operations using outdated systems like Excel spreadsheets and QuickBooks. As the business grows, these manual processes become increasingly inefficient and time-consuming. Implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution can revolutionize the way these businesses operate, streamlining processes, enhancing productivity, and providing valuable insights for informed decision-making. But, if not approached strategically, ERP implementations can be complex and challenging. Let’s explore key steps and best practices to ensure a seamless ERP implementation for your manufacturing business.

Conduct a Thorough Needs Assessment

Before embarking on the journey of ERP implementation, it’s important to thoroughly assess your company’s unique needs and requirements. This involves conducting a comprehensive evaluation of your current processes, identifying pain points, and gaining a deep understanding of the areas that require improvement. It’s essential to engage your team throughout this assessment process to gather insights from different perspectives and ensure that all relevant aspects are taken into consideration.

Define Clear Goals and Objectives

Clearly defining your goals and objectives for implementing a solution is a critical step toward a seamless ERP implementation. It’s essential to have a clear understanding of what you hope to achieve through the process. By setting specific and measurable goals, you can track progress and assess the success of your ERP implementation.

Remember that setting realistic goals is crucial to avoid unrealistic expectations or disappointment. Consider the resources available, the complexity of your business processes, and the potential timeline for achieving your objectives. By setting achievable goals, you can maintain motivation and momentum throughout the ERP implementation process.

Create a Comprehensive Implementation Plan

Developing a well-thought-out implementation plan is a crucial step in ensuring the success of your seamless ERP implementation. It provides a roadmap that guides the entire process, minimizing disruptions and keeping the implementation on track. To create an effective plan, it’s important to break down the implementation process into manageable phases, set realistic timelines, and allocate resources accordingly.

  • Break the implementation process down into phases allowing you to tackle the project in a structured and systematic manner. Each phase can focus on specific areas or modules of the ERP system, ensuring that the implementation progresses smoothly and efficiently. 
  • Set realistic timelines to avoid unnecessary pressure or delays. Carefully consider the complexity of your business processes, the scope of the implementation, and the availability of resources when creating the timeline. Strike a balance between completing the implementation within a reasonable timeframe and allowing sufficient time for testing, training, and addressing any unforeseen challenges.
  • Define roles and responsibilities within your organization. Assign tasks and responsibilities to individuals or teams involved in the implementation process. 
  • Communicate expectations to everyone involved in the implementation. Clearly outline the goals, objectives, and desired outcomes of the ERP implementation. 

Remember, the implementation plan should be flexible enough to accommodate unexpected challenges or changes in requirements. Regularly review and update the plan as needed to adapt to evolving circumstances. 

Choose the Right ERP Partner

Selecting the right ERP partner is one of the most important decisions you’ll make in this process. It’s imperative to thoroughly evaluate potential vendors, looking for those with specific experience in the manufacturing industry and a proven track record of successful ERP implementations. 

When assessing ERP partners, consider their customer support capabilities. A responsive and knowledgeable support team is essential to address any issues or concerns that may arise during and after the implementation. Look for vendors that offer timely and reliable support channels, such as phone, email, or live chat, to ensure that you have access to assistance when you need it most.

Also, evaluate the training programs provided by ERP vendors. A comprehensive training program is crucial to equip your team with the necessary skills to effectively use the new ERP system. Look for vendors that offer a combination of on-site or virtual training sessions, user manuals, and online resources. The availability of training materials and ongoing support will empower your team to maximize the benefits of the ERP solution.

Remember, ERP systems evolve, and it’s vital to partner with a vendor that’s committed to continuous improvement. Inquire about the frequency of system updates, the process for implementing these updates, and any additional costs associated with them. 

Prepare and Train Your Team

Effective training and change management are key to user adoption and successful ERP implementation. Involve your team from the early stages and provide comprehensive training programs to familiarize them with the new system. Address any concerns or resistance to change, emphasizing the benefits and long-term value of the ERP solution.

Engaging your team early on creates a sense of ownership and fosters a positive attitude towards the ERP solution. By involving key stakeholders and end-users, you can gain their input, address their concerns, and leverage their expertise to tailor the system to meet the specific needs of your organization. This collaborative approach also promotes a smooth transition from legacy systems to the new ERP solution.

Data Migration and Testing

Migrating data from existing systems to the new ERP solution is a critical step that demands meticulous planning and rigorous testing. To ensure accuracy and consistency, it’s important to cleanse and validate the data before the migration process begins. This involves reviewing and standardizing data formats, removing duplicate or irrelevant information, and verifying data integrity.

Thorough testing of the ERP system is necessary for identifying and resolving any issues or discrepancies before going live. It’s recommended to replicate various scenarios and use cases to assess the system’s performance and functionality. 

User acceptance testing (UAT) is a crucial phase involving end-users in the testing process. This gathers valuable feedback and insights on the user experience and functionality that can be used for further improvements and adjustments before the system is fully deployed. 

Go-Live and Continuous Improvement

When it’s time to go live, ensure a smooth transition by closely monitoring the implementation process. Address any initial challenges promptly and provide adequate support to your team. Post-implementation, continuously monitor and evaluate the system’s performance, gather feedback from users, and implement necessary enhancements to optimize the ERP solution for your specific business needs.

Remember, a successful ERP implementation is not a one-time event but an ongoing process of improvement and optimization. By closely monitoring the implementation process, providing timely support to your team, continuously evaluating system performance, and gathering user feedback, you can maximize the value derived from your ERP solution. The goal is to ensure that the system remains aligned with your evolving business needs and enables you to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and drive growth in the long run.


Implementing an ERP solution is a significant undertaking, but with the right partner and proper planning, small manufacturing businesses can reap substantial benefits. By conducting a thorough needs assessment, defining clear goals, choosing the right ERP partner, preparing and training the team, and following best practices throughout the implementation process, you can position your business for success for a seamless ERP implementation. Embrace the opportunity to enhance efficiency, productivity, and decision-making capabilities with a modern ERP system.

To further assist you in your ERP journey, our team at Encompass Solutions has developed a comprehensive guide, “8 Essential ERP Selection Strategies.” This valuable resource will provide you with expert insights and practical tips to help you navigate the ERP selection process successfully. Download your copy today!